Saturday 28 December 2013

South Sudan's government pledges to will honour ceasefire

Vice President James Waniga says South Sudan's government is to cease all hostilities and that rogue soldiers who have taken up arms will be treated "humanely as brothers and citizens".

 South Sudan's government is to cease all hostilities and honour a ceasefire, Vice President James Waniga announced at a news conference on Saturday.

I would like to inform our people and the world that our government has positively responded to the demands of the international community and IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) in particular, The president says said.

The IGAD is a regional bloc of East African nations.

South Sudan has been plagued by corruption, ethnic tension and a political power struggle since it broke away from Sudan in 2011, after decades of war in a fight for independence.

The government is seeking an end to the nearly two-week crisis in which an estimated 1,000 people have been killed.

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